M&A Due Diligence and Pro Forma Analysis - Ice Glen Associates
Financial Review - Verification of revenue, income, cash flow, assets (inventory, receivables, capital equipment, intellectual property, etc.), liabilities (payables, debt, leases, taxes, contingencies, etc.), customer base, and contractual obligations.
Synergies Analysis - Assessment of potential synergies concerning revenue, market share, and product development.
Savings Analysis - Assessment of potential savings from combinations, reductions, and efficiencies .
Forecast Review - Review of financial projections, cash requirements, projected staff levels, planned organization structure and management structure, etc.
Operations Review - Review of employee benefit program, property and liability insurance coverage, facilities, patent and copyright filings, liens, etc.
Pro Forma Analysis - Preparation of pro forma financial projections for base case, worst case, and best case scenarios
Deal Management - Assistance with establishing deal structure, determining valuation, calculating goodwill, establishing escrows and other reserves, evaluating financing options, and selection of investment banker.
Post-Deal Management - Development of transition plan, management of integration issues, and verification of earn-outs and charge-backs.